Working From Home a Problem? Start Your Own Business

When I saw the recent comments from Marissa Mayer, CEO of Yahoo, about employees working from home, I must admit I was at a loss:

This is a hot button issue for me.

For years early on in my career, I struggled in my attempts to get my employers to see the value in allowing me to work from home. I achieved minor victories here and there, but it was always a sticking point. In my mind, I knew I could be productive and do a great job working from home—without all the office distractions.

Finally, I decided I’d take matters into my own hands and work toward launching my own business. I gathered information by talking to others who’d successfully gone out on their own and did my research, putting all the pieces in place. Then I planned my escape…er, I mean exit, from the 8-6 office life.

I started my business to get the freedom to work when and where I wanted. Funny how this topic is still relevant all these years later. The data is now there to support the concept that those working from home can be as productive–if not more so–than those who work in the office. The idea still seems to be slow to catch on with employers, but the hope is there that someday they’ll get it!

To those who still fight this battle, you can always start your own business like I did nearly 14 years ago. I still love working for myself–and of course, I no longer have to ask for permission to work from home.

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